Using over-the-ear headphones is better for your hearing health.

Publish Time: 2023-06-30     Origin: Site

Unquestionably, one of the best methods to lessen your risk of hearing loss is to avoid noise-induced damage. However, while everyone is aware that loud, explosive noises like jet engines and construction equipment can harm your hearing, fewer people are aware of another, more frequent offender. I'm referring to music.

Nowadays, I anticipate that the majority of individuals have a smartphone that they utilize for music listening. With the introduction of streaming services, listening to your favorite music has never been simpler. Unluckily, it's also a guaranteed method to increase your chance of noise-induced hearing loss if you're irresponsible.

I'd like to provide the following information for your consideration: The maximum volume that the human ear can tolerate is 70 decibels (dB). A typical discussion is 60 dB loud.Long-term exposure to sounds louder than 70 dB can harm your hearing. Maximum sound levels that can be produced by headphones range from 85 to 110 dB; noises that are louder than 85 dB can permanently damage your hearing.

Fortunately, if your volume exceeds dangerous levels, the majority of applications and gadgets contain some kind of warning. But sadly, the majority of us prefer to disregard the caution. Keep your headphones set to no more than 60 percent of their maximum level if you're serious about hearing protection.

Choosing the appropriate headphones might also be important. Despite the fact that earbuds are now trendy, I would advise avoiding using them excessively for a number of reasons.

First off, there is a significantly higher chance of hearing loss if the level goes too loud with these devices since sound is sent directly into the ear canal. There is nothing to shield your ears from the roar. Additionally, earbuds may force earwax further into the ear canal, obstructing your hearing and driving you to increase the volume.

Much preferable options include over-the-ear headphones. In addition to preventing music from entering your eardrums directly, most over-the-ear headphones are typically more comfortable to use than earbuds. Even better, higher-end headphones frequently contain noise-cancelling features, which further minimize the need to turn up the volume.

The idea that individuals should quit listening to music is neither realistic nor reasonable. However, there is no reason why we can't safeguard our hearing when listening to music. The first method is to keep the level down and limit exposure; the second, in my opinion, is to use over-the-ear headphones rather than earbuds.

In conclusion, the health of our ears should be protected from harm from all angles, and the proper and safe use of suitable headphones is an excellent preventative step. We hope that this post will serve as motivation for you to safeguard your hearing.

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