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Hearing Loss caused by Your Headphones

Views: 325     Author: Vickey     Publish Time: 2023-06-28      Origin: Site


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Hearing Loss caused by Your Headphones

There are many different headphone manufacturers, each with its own flair. However, it's crucial to take into account the risk associated with inappropriate headphone use. Although most of us disregard them, we have all heard the warnings. Teenagers are particularly at risk of hearing loss from headphones. Teen hearing loss cases are rising along with the popularity of headphones.

This article will examine the prevalence of headphones and how they affect kids' hearing. Then, you'll discover how to avoid losing your hearing without giving up your headphones.

Why do Headphones Cause Hearing Loss?

Understanding how our ears function and how they allow us to hear sounds is crucial if we wish to know how headphones induce hearing loss. The inner ear has very little hair. The minuscule hairs in the ear tremble as a result of sound waves entering the ear.

They deliver messages to our brains when they vibrate. We pause sound using this method. The inner ear's hairs aren't very thick. They may really fit on the head of a needle. Additionally, hair is highly delicate and can become damaged if overstimulated. The hairs do not grow back after being injured. We all suffer from cumulative hearing loss.

To put it another way, the harm need not happen all at once. It could develop gradually over time. The World Health Organization reported that millions of teenagers are at risk for hearing loss. Not using headphones when listening to music poses a risk. Instead, the issue is that teenagers are playing their music loudly. They just listen to music that is excessively loud, which damages their hearing.

Why do we show Sudden concern for hearing loss?

Some teenagers question why we are only now becoming concerned about hearing loss since they don't take this threat seriously. It's true that there are a lot of loud noises in the world.We are constantly exposed to loud noises, such as automobile horns and police sirens. Why did hearing loss and tinnitus not exist earlier?

Our ears can only take so much noise. For brief periods of time, we can safely listen to some loud noises. However, we begin to experience issues when we repeatedly listen to loud noises. Hearing loss occurs at this point.It's critical to comprehend how this operates. Teenagers who don't comprehend how hearing loss works will continue to endanger themselves. Sound is measured in decibels. Up to eight hours of listening to music at 85 dB is safe. Any louder than that, and harm is done for good.

The effects of even a slight increase in decibel volume can be profound. Only 15 minutes of listening to music at 100 dB is safe before hearing impairment occurs. Even though the damage's effects might not be apparent immediately, by the time its symptoms are apparent, it's too late.

What Can Be Done?

Examining the reasons why teenagers play their music so loud can help us find a solution to this issue. We won't be able to offer a solid remedy if we don't recognize and address the reason. Teenagers may be told that their actions endanger their hearing, but that would be ineffective.Most kids won't take this problem seriously until they have hearing loss themselves.However, if we deal with the root of the problem, we can stop teenagers from using headphones while listening to music that is too loud.

Teenagers mostly use loud music to block out the outside world. They desire for their music to serve as a diversion. They only want to hear their favorite tunes when they listen to music. They don't want to hear the fans on computers, conversations, or ringing phones.

Noise-canceling headphones can help in this situation. Noise-cancelling headphones eliminate outside noise. They don't force teenagers to listen to their music at an unsafe volume; they just let them hear it. Teenagers may thus still utilize music as a form of escape and distraction without having to worry about damaging their hearing.

Final Thoughts

Although headphones provide teenagers with the freedom to listen to music anywhere they choose, they also pose a very serious risk. Wearing headphones while listening to loud music might harm them permanently. Teenagers can, however, use noise-canceling headphones to remedy this issue. Teenagers don't need to crank up the music to get their attention when they use noise-canceling headphones.

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